New biExport Release 2021.04
The new biExport release 2021.04 is available for download!
Version Dependencies
- biExport Frontend Component 2021.04
- biExport Service Plugin 2021.04
- open bi 3.4.0 or higher
Included enhancements
This release contains major enhancements in the following areas:
- biExport for SAP Analytics Cloud
- Lumira Designer: crosstab & export table enhancements
- Export Templates & placeholders
The following detailed list shows all enhancements and bugfixes that have been implemented in 2021.04. Also check the post New biExport release 2021.01 to see the change list for the prior version.
- Export to Power Point: [px] placeholder not working correctly & performance
- Images in Excel Template get distorted when autofit is used on tables
- support {height:300px} notation correctly in placeholders
- :VALUE suffix for table export applies style of placeholder to all PowerPoint cells
- Dynamic Templates also support short name/value pairs instead of placeholderName/changedName
- Dynamic Template placeholder redefinition name may also contain %
- Exception when creating a lumira schedule on load balancers
- Avoid timeouts during document multiplication
- URL parameter list for Briefingbook generation may run only on the first entry
- UI: Mail properties not shown for a saved schedule when switching to Mail publish mode
- do not apply on leaves the hierarchical conditional formatting of export table
- Export Table with display units / scaling in headers may lead to displaced column header
- Export Table with Compact Display shows empty column in certain situations
- PDF CROSSTAB SPLIT export not correct in combination with sapzencrosstab-RenderSizeDivCompact class
- added documentation 6.15 - Export table does not find referencing crosstab if contained in a composite
SAP Analytics Cloud
- Widget Selector elements should show no of selected widgets also initially
- Widget Selectors UI improvement: Split by chart / table / texts etc. for better searchability
- Support background colored panels, charts and tables
- Eliminate potential "request body size limit" exception
- New "Append visible table rows" Selector to explictly activate table parsing script
- Widget Selectors - better overview of selected widgets
- support web-72 font
- Hatched chart bars exported solid
- SAC 2021/03: Widget Selector does not show names properly
- SAC 2021/03: Beta Table rendering adjusted by SAP - necessary biExport changes
- Downloader UI5: take over high variable values correctly