New biExport Release 2020.10
The new biExport release 2020.10 is available for download!
Version Dependencies
- biExport Frontend Component 2020.10
- biExport Service Plugin 2020.10
- open bi 3.4.0 or higher
Included enhancements
This release contains major enhancements in the following areas:
- Information Bursting
- Support of Excel Templates
- Scheduling
- SAC Stories support
- SAC Scehduling
- SAC Tables Export
The following detailed list shows all enhancements and bugfixes that have been implemented in 2020.10. Also check the post New biExport release 2020.06 to see the change list for the prior version.
- biExportInstaller show product version of server
- Document update process of scheduler & template manager UIs
- Scheduler Excel maintenance: add worksheet for maintenance of mail recipients
- Scheduler UI: Support download of only selected job ids
- CefSharp: AcceptLanguageList does not work on BrowserSettings
- Use XLSX for downloading schedule definitions
- Scheduler Excel maintenance: add worksheet for maintenance of PDF sections
- CONTENT placeholder tabs contain name of element (Filter / Table) instead of index
- Always remove also {} additional styles from placeholder if deleted
- Dump tracefiles for generated tables and extracts
- Excel table export performance: do not generate image if item supports text or table parsing
- Font-size placeholder addition also works if element is not styled
- Make sure HTML page specific stylesheets are used when iterative parameters are used
- Make sure Table Headers are always repeated in PDF if :TEXT placeholder is used (auto set RenderEnginePdf = GECKO
- Support "=" in header cells in Excel Export
- Support dynamic Export Template definitions for Excel
- Support XLS Templates for PDF Export
- With CONTENT placeholder, elements are added as ordered in Visible Components
- Wrong formatting is applied if two tables with different styles are exported
- XLS hash long stylenames instead of cutting them off so they are always unique
- Correct Bursting of documents that contain a placeholder in the filename
- Merging mail recipient "mailcc" fails when empty
- New Mail From (sender) field should also be used to differentiate mail groups
- Support mail bursting by context also with multiple iterative parameters
- Merging groups after iterations results in missing documents
- PDF Section Template in Iterative Scenarios: file name placeholders wrongly replaced / Bursting not working
- Render empty PDF page instead of log message "HTML renderer was blank"
- Support cartesian product for URL parameter iterations
- WinForms Browser size is restricted to display size
Lumira Designer
- BO Login failed - Serialized Session not passed from user client
- New property Excel Template Definition and corresponding getters/setters "XlsTemplateDefinition(String)"
- Support CROSSTABs with sapzencrosstab-DataCellDefault-MainMode CSS class
- CROSSTAB Native Word export: correct vertical alignment & pivot cell styles
- CROSSTAB Export to PDF does not show custom styles correctly with Extended Table Styles parsing
- Allow overwrite schedules via Scheduling Parameters from Designer New switch EXPORT_SCHEDULE_NAMES_UNIQUE
SAP Analytics Cloud - GENERAL
- New Annotation Widget
- Add SAC install option for on premise biExport Installer
- Add Scheduling UI for SAC
- Support Story scheduling
- Support component metadata in SAC Stories
- Live Connection SAP BW support
SAP Analytics Cloud - WIDGET SUPPORT
- Support export of Annotation Widget
- Support export of Filter Line Item
- Support export of invisible table rows (Analytics Designer)
- Support export of invisible table rows (Stories)
- Support export of Story Dynamic Table Widget
- Support Export of Story Filter
- Support Export of Story Page Filter
- Support panel export in stories
- Support sufffixed VALUE and TEXT for Text, Input Box and Dropdownbox
- Take over formatting of tables to export document
- Support free ordering of setters in same script as doExport
- addExportTemplateSection() for dynamic Export Template definitions
- Choose to generate specific views into separate files via "separateFiles" option for URL parameter
- Concatenate all Briefing Book views into one document by default
- Export Images in correct size
- PDF WYSIWYG export from SAC Scheduler is truncated at the right
- SAC Table compute HTML on the client side
- Set lang=xxx URL parameter. Using the Accept-Language header is not enough
- Support custom texts
- Support definition of PDF Page Sections, Headers, Footers and Format
SAP BW Export - CSV Downloader
- support Chrome rendering in Portal layout
- catch SQL exception in /BIX/DOWNLOADER_DELETE