How to export Lumira Designer charts into native Office charts

Our biExport addon for SAP Lumira Designer and SAP Design Studio is famous for creating highly customizable PowerPoint, Word, Excel and PDF documents also from complex dashboards!

So far, biExport took the dashboard’s charts into the export document exactly the way they were defined: It kept the chart type, colors, series definitions, taking a high-resolution picture of the chart. The goal was to reuse the chart definitions that you have created with so much effort.

As a consequence, Export of this exemplary dashboard….

…created the following PowerPoint presentation:


The downside was that the images were static, not editable and for the end-users, they might have felt a bit “alien” in an Office document.

New possibilities with release 2.5

Now with release 2.5, we introduce our powerful Chart Translator, which gives you the option to create native charts during the export:

As you can see, the chart still keeps the important parameters such as type, colors, legend properties, axes titles etc.

How to export native charts

If you are using a special Export Template, you can select individual charts to be exported as native charts. You simply change the suffix of the existing placeholder (e.g. %CHART_1%:SCALESIZE) to :NATIVE (e.g. %CHART_1%:NATIVE).

On the other hand, if you are using the generic CONTENT placeholder in the Export Template, or you want to replace all charts automatically into native elements, you can set the new parameter “biAnalytics document” of the Export component to “true”:

Even better, this also translates all CROSSTABs to native Office tables!

To make it work, ensure that “Include Meta Data” is set to “true”.

Also, for every data source of your dashboard, include an “Export Table” with a reference to the data source.

In my example dashboard, I have only one data source, namely DS_1 alias ZBQ_COUNTRY. Accordingly I have added OPENBIEXPORTTABLE_1 and defined the Data Binding to DS_1.

This is how the dashboard example has been defined:



Enjoy this new feature of biExport!


Thilo Knötzele
Author: Thilo Knötzele
Creation date: 11.04.2018
Category: Document Layout
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